We all want to be our best at our chosen sports or professions, but it is also possible to accidentally cause an injury by overtraining. Repetitive strain injuries are the result of physical activity being too frequent, prolonged, or intense for your body to recover from. These are often easier to prevent than sudden, acute injuries, and Life Balance Clinic is proud to offer acupuncture treatment, including laser acupuncture for repetitive strain treatment in Glenview, IL.
Acupuncture has several benefits for repetitive strain injuries:
Life Balance Clinic is at the forefront of utilizing laser acupuncture for the treatment of repetitive strain injuries. Unlike traditional acupuncture, laser acupuncture involves the use of low-level lasers to stimulate acupuncture points on the body. This non-invasive technique can provide targeted relief to the affected areas, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation.
At Life Balance Clinic, Dr. Vadim Dekhtyar, DACM, offers his years of experience to patients seeking relief from repetitive strain injury symptoms. As both a doctor of Chinese medicine and neuroscience professor, he brings extensive training and academic work to his 30 years of clinical experience.
If you are currently experiencing an RSI injury and are interested in treatment with acupuncture, contact us here or call 847-724-1777 to learn more or book your first appointment.