Spanning thousands of years and nations across the world, acupuncture has stood the test of time and Acupuncture increasing standards for scientific evidence and clinical results. It is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function.
Acupuncture treatment in Chicago is rendered based on an Oriental medical diagnosis that includes an assessment of pulse quality, shape and color of the tongue, medical history and whole body evaluation.
Following the diagnosis, acupuncture points are chosen on the body along acupuncture meridians, or pathways. Needle stimulation of these points increases the body’s healing energy or Qi.
The body has approximately one thousand acupuncture points. Qi circulates throughout the body within the meridians, which also are related to the internal organs. Qi surfaces to the skin level at specific points.
Good health depends on the smooth flow of qi. When the flow of qi is blocked due to trauma, poor diet, medications, stress, hereditary conditions, environmental factors, or excessive emotional issues, the system is disrupted. Illness is then generated.
In accordance with ancient theory, acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is deficient and away from areas where it is in excess. In this way, the treatment regulates and restores a harmonious energetic balance in the body. There is a Chinese saying, “There is no pain if there is free flow; if there is pain, there is no free flow.
Acupuncture has been effectively used for the treatment of back pain, headache, migraine, and sports injuries. However, this treatment provides more than pain relief. It is helpful in treating conditions including anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, abdominal, menstrual cramps, weight control and infertility.
As acupuncture can improve energy flow throughout the body, it can be particularly effective in relieving neurological and musculoskeletal issues. Many people with lower back pain, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, or even arthritis have shown significant improvements in pain and disability. Neurological problems that acupuncture may help include migraines, where blood vessels inside the head contract and dilate, causing headaches; nerve pain disorders, such as trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy; early-stage facial paralysis; and bladder problems such as bedwetting and neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
During a treatment, your acupuncturist will insert sterilized, stainless-steel needles (that are as fine as a human hair) into specific points located near or on the surface of the skin. These points are situated on channels of energy (Qi) running through the body, where the electrochemical processes that keep our bodies running are thought to be the strongest.
The channels, known as meridians, deliver energy to and from our organs, promoting health if they are in balance. The physiological effects of working on meridians through acupuncture include increased blood circulation, decreased inflammation, relief from pain, relief of muscle spasms and stimulation of the immune system.
Our acupuncture clinic in Glenview is proud to offer classical acupuncture treatment, electroacupuncture and pain-free laser acupuncture, depending on your individual needs.
Electroacupuncture is a more powerful method of stimulating acupuncture points and channels. Here, electric impulse stimulation is used to provide greater relief by running through needles at the affected areas.
Research suggests that electroacupuncture may be more effective than conventional needles for some conditions. For example, a study comparing the two in cerebral palsy found that electroacupuncture was superior in relieving muscle spasms, even though both were effective.
Laser acupuncture is a needle-free alternative that focuses laser light onto acupuncture points. It is perfect for children and adults who have a fear of needles. Research shows that laser technique is effective across many indications, including a trial finding significant relief of muscle spasticity in cerebral palsy.
The benefits of acupuncture include:
Always choose an acupuncture clinic in Chicago based on quality – look for reviews and education credentials – because it is a highly individualized treatment with different patients requiring different plans.
We at Life Balance Clinic are proud of our reputation and will be happy to welcome you in our acupuncture practice. The founder of the practice, Vadim Dekhtyar, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, developed an integrated and complete approach that will significantly benefit your health and wellness.
Conveniently located in Glenview, IL, our practice is easily accessible for those in the Chicago metropolitan area. Our patients visit the practice from Niles, Northbrook, Wilmette, Buffalo Grove, Winnetka, Wheeling, Mount Prospect, Park Ridge, Norridge, Prospect Heights, Morton Grove, Schiller Park, Arlington Heights, Franklin Park, Elk Grove, Rosemont, Huntington, Harwood Heights, Skokie, Des Plaines, Rolling Meadows, Stone Park, Portage Park, Itasca, Jefferson Park, Northfield, Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Lincolnwood, River Grove, Northlake, and of course, Chicago. Whether you are in or near Glenview, IL, our specialists are waiting for you!
"For someone that has suffered from migraine headaches for most of my life, acupuncture has been very beneficial. Dr. Dekhtyar treats your whole body and not just a specific ailment. He helped me develop much healthier eating habits and manage my s..."