AcuNova treatment for chronic eye conditions
Life Balance Clinic is now offering Boel Acunova Acupuncture Treatments for many chronic eye conditions. Vadim Dekhtyar is now one of the few American practitioners who use the method, which was developed by John Boel of Denmark. This treatment has been used on over 8000 eye patients and boasts a success rate over 80%.
Acunova Acupuncture Treatments
The Boel Acunova Acupuncture Treatments involve eye acupuncture points in the hands and feet that are not associated with any other acupuncture system. Two additional points used are located in the eyebrows, which, studies show, increase blood circulation to the retina in the eye. The Acunova program involves a minimum of 10 days of treatments over a two-week period. The treatments are administered twice per day with 1-hour rest in between. Herbs and supplements, along with a recommended diet and exercise regimen, may be included as part of the treatment. The goal is to improve vision, slow the progress of your condition, and maintain eye health. Acupuncture can treat many eye diseases, including:
- Macular Degeneration (wet and dry)
- Stargardt’s Disease
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Glaucoma
- Optic Neuritis
- Dry eye syndrome
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