How Quickly Does Acupuncture Relieve Pain?
You’re in pain, and you want rapid relief without significant side effects. But can acupuncture really provide acute pain relief?
Despite the popular image of natural therapies as best for long-term, preventative treatment, acupuncture may be an effective emergency solution. Here’s why Dr. Vadim Dekhtyar (DACM) sees both chronic and acute pain cases at Life Balance Clinic in Glenview, IL .
How Does Acupuncture Relieve Pain?
How is acupuncture able to relieve pain? Research demonstrates that acupuncture relieves pain by increasing levels of our bodies’ own opioids and by reducing inflammation. Over time, it may also help promote tissue healing to remove the source of the inflammation. This can include healing peripheral nerve tissue, reducing the pain caused by nerve damage.
How Quickly Does Acupuncture Work?
Published case series show how quickly acupuncture can work. One patient reported severe lower back pain at 8/10, which appeared after heavy lifting and was accompanied by spasms. An hour after receiving the Battlefield ear acupuncture protocol, it dropped to a much milder 3/10. After three days, her pain level was 1/10. A second patient in the same case series with lower back pain and spasms experienced a drop in pain from 8/10 to 4/10 in an hour, and then compete relief one week later. Impressively, a third woman with carpal tunnel syndrome had complete relief during and after treatment, and enjoyed restored range of motion.
As all of these patients were young, otherwise healthy women with relatively simple conditions, these may represent the best case scenarios.
A review of studies on acute low back pain with patients of a wide age range found that acupuncture was at least as good, if not more effective, than medication. For example, one trial showed that 94.4% of people had their symptoms resolved, compared to 75% of people given medication. This study only used a three-day course of treatment. The review also found that acupuncture was more likely to completely resolve pain or provide immediate relief.
Acupuncture for chronic pain relief may take longer, however, as the underlying causes are deeper and more complex.
Battlefield Acupuncture: A Special Note
Battlefield acupuncture is a specialized form of treatment used to help wounded warriors in the American military on actual battlefields. Dr. Vadim Dekhtyar is proud to have been trained by the doctor who invented this approach, Dr. R. Niemtzow, MD.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Pain Relief
The benefits of acupuncture for pain relief center around its greater safety.
You do not have to worry about side effects such as drowsiness and cognitive dysfunction, for example, and acupuncture is not addictive. As your liver has no substances to process, there isn’t the risk of building up a tolerance where acupuncture loses efficacy.
Find Natural Pain Relief Solutions at Life Balance Clinic
Life Balance Clinic brings the best of Chinese medicine to people in Glenview, IL and the Chicago area. Our owner and acupuncturist, Dr. Vadim Dekhtyar (DACM), is committed to delivering the best results whether your needs are acute or chronic. Our priority is providing personalized treatment plans, not a standardized formula.
If you’re in pain, want faster relief, and are interested in trying acupuncture, give us a call at (847) 724-1777