Acupuncture for Vision Restoration
Everything we do uses vision, and many activities depend on our ability to see. However, conventional treatment for both common and rare causes of vision impairment usually consists of corrective glasses or has no options at all. This is why an increasing number of patients in Glenview, IL, are seeking acupuncture for vision restoration at Life Balance Clinic.
Acupuncture for Eye Problems
Acupuncture can be effective for a range of eye problems irreversible by conventional methods. These include lifestyle and age-related conditions, and even some genetic disorders:
- Macular Degeneration (wet and dry).
- Stargardt’s Disease.
- Diabetic Retinopathy.
- Retinitis Pigmentosa.
- Glaucoma.
- Optic Neuritis.
- Dry eye syndrome.
How Can Acupuncture Improve Vision?
At Life Balance Clinic, we use an AcuVision protocol known as the AcuNova system, which focuses on newly-discovered points in the hands and feet. The relevant acupuncture points for eye problems are treated twice a day, with one hour in between, for a total of 10–15 treatments.
Stimulation of these acupuncture points to improve vision is effective in treating conditions such as age-related macular degeneration. Depending on individual factors, AcuNova can reverse or at least stabilize macular degeneration, which worsens over time without treatment.
Clinical studies show that ophthalmic acupuncture can benefit even the most difficult vision problems. For example, one trial on retinitis pigmentosa found an improvement in uncorrected vision from 20/222 (9% vision) to 20/190 (10.5%), and best-corrected vision from 20/85 (23%) to 20/67 (30%) after treatment. As a progressive genetic disease, any reversal of retinitis pigmentosa is extremely important.
Diabetic neuropathy is more common and difficult to manage with conventional methods. A review of clinical trials in several countries found acupuncture to be effective in improving vision, with or without other treatment alongside it. Some studies showed better blood vessel integrity afterwards, too, which contributes to vision impairment in diabetes.
Acupuncture Treatment
The benefits of choosing acupuncture for vision impairment are lasting and without harmful side effects. In fact, acupuncture treatment has positive effects on the whole body. Each point lies on channels that affect different organs and processes, so you may notice positive “side effects” including improved energy and better digestion. To learn more, contact our acupuncture practice to schedule an appointment with our Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Vadim Dekhtyar.